This piece is one of my favourites to date – I spent a lot of time researching and travelling to speak to people.
Running Out Of Road: Shared Spaces

This piece is one of my favourites to date – I spent a lot of time researching and travelling to speak to people.
We were asked to adapt a news story into a fictional piece. We came across a news story which was about an airline that had their planes reposessed by an airport as they were owed money.
For this piece, my role was both editing it together and I also shot the intro scene.
We were asked to produce a short documentary – so we chose to do one exploring the decline in numbers of people being interested in religion and/or attending church.
For this piece, my role was both editing it together and also I was cinematographer for some shots (the ones that have bokeh).
For this clip, we were tasked with creating a film that had links to water.
My role was both the producer and editing it together.
For this clip, we were asked to produce an expository piece. The piece is created from mostly stock footage and images from Stock Unlimited.
My role was editing it together.
I was asked to caption a short film that the University of Central Lancashire produced celebrating their 190th Birthday.
It tells the story of a lecturer from 2018 travelling back in time to the dawn of the ‘Institution for the Diffusion of Knowledge’, which was established in Preston by local cheesemonger, philanthropist and founder of the Temperance Movement, Joseph Livesey, and is now the University of Central Lancashire.
You can watch the completed short film here:
To read the associated press release for the short film, click here.
For this clip, we were given 24 hours to come up with a story and then film + edit it. The brief said we had to include a paper bag.
My role was editing it together and being a runner.